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Daily Beast Article â€å“glenn Beckã¢â‚¬â„¢s Media Empire Implodes Again

Daily Beast Commodity on Kevin Shipp

The "Daily Beast's" attempted hitting piece on your apprehensive correspondent and recovering CIA officeholder has caused my newsletter subscriptions (first issue in October 2020) to soar, increased views of my YouTube video, "Kevin Shipp'south Personal Story" and added several new patrons to my top tier advance programs.
Thanks, Daily Beast!
It likewise provides me a platform to publish the facts surrounding the Beast'south claims I misused a authorities credit card. The following events were witnessed by Lorena Shipp and our attorney, Clint Blackman, an unsung hero.
Immediately after I filed a personal injury adjust against the CIA for my family'due south toxic exposure and the loss of all our personal possessions, the CIA's chief of Base, Chris Chiliad., ordered me and my and so wife, Lorena Shipp, into his office. He proceeded to social club usa to evacuate the (contaminated) residence and return to Washington, DC. Clint Blackman had just learned from a base of operations informant that Chris Thousand. had ordered that the residence be burned to the ground and destroyed. Blackman filed a motion with the federal court to prevent this from happening. Chris M. was ordered by the federal judge to cease and desist. The house was evidence.
As role of the command to evacuate, Chris Thousand. ordered Lorena Shipp and me to employ my regime credit menu for all evacuation and moving expenses. We asked for the order in writing. Chris Chiliad. refused. Since we had two witnesses, nosotros considered this enough protection. In hindsight, this was a fault, nosotros were playing right into the CIA's hands.
The merely items non removed from the house for destruction were Lorena Shipp's priceless family heirlooms, a large antique handmade table, antique hutch, antique dining buffet and other items inherited from her grandmother, Nell Broyhill of Arlington, VA.
I hired a company called Serv Pro to take these items to their decontamination warehouse to be cleaned. We packed the few belongings we had left and, in a gut-wrenching move, left for Washington, DC.
Afterwards arriving in Virginia, the Serve Pro representative who had confirmed the contamination in our house, Katherine Ladd, chosen me and apologetically informed me the (CIA) contractor on the base of operations had given her "an offer she could not decline," and she was leaving Serv Pro.
Two days after arriving at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Manassas, VA, where nosotros stayed for 5 weeks, I received a telephone call from Serv Pro. The president of the company brash me that if I did non pay $15,000.00, inside twenty-4 hours, my wife's heirlooms would be, "moved to the adjourn," and abased. To save the heirlooms I charged the fee on the government credit bill of fare discussed with the CIA Chief of base, Chris M.
A CIA official slipped and advised me that the CIA was looking at me for misusing a government credit card, an former CIA pull a fast one on of retribution. Two steps ahead, I secretly traveled to the CIA's Northwest Federal Credit Union, applied for a personal loan of $15,000.00 and was approved on the spot. I used the loan to pay off the authorities credit card in full. Checkmate.
The CIA was furious. I was called into closed meeting in the office of an outer CIA building, where three CIA officials threatened my career, then ordered me to sign two statements; ane stating that I had engaged in insubordination (another old CIA trick) and a second stating I had misused a government credit card. The senior official and then ordered me to report to the CIA Role of Medical Services for, "claret and psychological testing." Looking the 3 nervous officials in the eye, I advised them they knew total well blood test evidence and records of psychiatrist's diagnoses of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in our family were the basis of the personal injury lawsuit against them. I declined their order. I advised them I would not sign either document. I was escorted out of the edifice and my bluecoat was taken.
The CIA could non revoke my clearance considering at that place was no prove confronting me. Information technology remained in force for two years until it automatically expired. Clint Blackman and I and so began demanding the CIA make my family unit whole for the poisoning and loss of property. The rest is history, as they say.
Clint Blackman's heroic stand against an entire staff of CIA attorneys (I hope his story is told i mean solar day) convinced a federal judge to order the CIA to a mediated settlement with my family. We won the settlement, the start of its kind in CIA history, and CIA attorneys signed the settlement agreement.
I week afterward, the CIA invoked the state secrets privilege, sealing all the evidence I presented at arbitration, and threatened me, Clint Blackman, my wife and my oldest son with prison if nosotros revealed the evidence to anyone, including Congress. The CIA refused Congressman Frank Wolfe's demands to run into the evidence in the instance.
As most of you know, after a lot of thought and prayer, I violated the state secrets privilege and released all the documents the CIA tried to muffle. You lot can find them on this site in the top bluish bar.
Thanks, Daily Fauna for giving me the opportunity to gear up the record straight. Also bad you missed a dramatic scoop that you could have had if you were not targeting Christian conservatives.


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